Know Us

eSports Africa About Us

Who We Are?

Our exceptional and highly professional team at eSports Africa is a dynamic blend of diverse talents, all with an unwavering commitment to promoting fitness and sports across the continent. With years of extensive experience in the fitness and sports industry, our team is well-equipped to curate, guide, and support your journey towards a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Our passion, expertise, and deep understanding of the unique needs and aspirations of our African community make us invaluable partners in helping you achieve your fitness and sports goals.

We are committed to making your fitness and sports dreams a reality, and we’re here to support you in every step of your journey. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower individuals by blending technology and human interaction to lead healthier, more active lives by providing access to a wide range of fitness and sports products and services. We believe that every person deserves the opportunity to pursue their passion for physical activity, whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a casual fitness enthusiast, or just starting your wellness journey.

Our Vision

We envision a world where fitness and sports are not just activities but integral parts of people’s lives, contributing to their happiness, vitality, and personal growth. Our vision is to be the platform that catalyzes this transformation by making fitness and sports easily accessible to all people in Africa.

eSports Africa About Us
eSports Africa About Us

Why Us ?

A Diverse Marketplace: We offer a diverse array of fitness and sports products, equipment, and services. Whether you’re into yoga, weightlifting, team sports, or outdoor adventures, we have the gear and expertise to meet your needs.

Verified and Trusted Providers: We partner only with reputable sellers, trainers, and coaches to ensure the quality and authenticity of every product and service available on our platform. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Expert Guidance: We are not just a place to book services or buy equipment; it’s a place to learn and grow. Our blog, video content, and expert advice will guide you on your fitness and sports journey, helping you make informed decisions and reach your goals.


Community and Inspiration: Our community is a source of motivation and encouragement. Connect with like-minded individuals, share your experiences, and inspire others with your journey. We believe that together, we can achieve more.

One Stop Solution : The fusion of booking services and e-commerce on our marketplace is a unique and powerful combination that offers unmatched convenience.. This synergy transforms our marketplace into an all-encompassing ecosystem, where users can not only buy gear but also book sessions, lessons, and facilities, making their fitness and sports journey more accessible, personalized, and streamlined than ever before. It’s the marriage of procurement and experience, creating a one-stop destination that caters to every aspect of an active lifestyle.


eSports Africa About Us

Get in Touch

We are proud to be a part of the African fitness and sports community and we are committed to improving this landscape in Africa. Join us today and start your fitness and sports journey towards a healthier, happier you!

Do you have questions, suggestions, or feedback? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us anytime at [email protected]